Organised & Empowered Farmers

A message from our ​Executive Director

Dear Team Members and Valued Stakeholders,

I am delighted to announce the release of our strategic direction ​report, outlining our roadmap for the next 15 to 20 years as we ​strive to advance sustainable agricultural practices and tackle the ​challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation in.

This report marks a significant milestone for Ayolo Farmers and ​Training Consults Limited. It reflects our collective vision, ​dedication, and commitment to fostering resilience in agriculture ​while preserving our environment and enhancing smallholder ​farmers livelihoods.

Our vision is ambitious yet achievable and precisely we are here ​to lead our communities towards a future where agriculture not ​only sustains but enhances our environment. We envision food ​security and increased incomes, through smallholder farmers ​engagement in diverse market driven by equitable and sustainable ​Agribusiness models.

Joseph Adongu

Executive Director

Ayolo Farmers and Training Consults​

Our Team

We’re a homegrown Organization Investing in Climate

Smart Agriculture, inputs, and practices for Green Agri-Food ​Systems in

North Eastern Uganda

Our Vision

To create resilient agricultural systems that sustainably meet the ​needs of present and future generations, while mitigating climate ​change impacts and enhancing community well-being.

Our Mission

Promote and implement sustainable agricultural practices that

recover smallholder farmers’ vulnerable farming systems, build them ​to achieve boosted productive and sustainable Agricultural farming

systems, grow them to prosperity where they achieve food security ​and increased incomes through engagement in diverse markets ​driven by equitable and sustainable Agribusiness models that foster ​climate resilience, empower local communities, and safeguard ​environmental integrity.

Where we started and where we ​are now

Founding Year

2018 - Ayolo Farmers is ​birthed

Year 2

Ayolo Farmers is a fully ​registered Social Enterprise

Year 3

500 farmers are reached ​out to and trained


Production and Harvest

Stop Deforestation Filipino Sustainability Icons

Making a difference with ​our global partners

Sustainable smart farming is a worldwide endeavor, so we​ collaborate with organizations across the globe to make a​ positive impact.​

At Ayolo Farmers and Training Consults we use our collaborative efforts with local ​stakeholders, government agencies, NGOs, research institutions, and private sector ​partners to leverage additional resources, expertise, and networks to maximize our ​project impact and sustainability where we build local capacity and empower ​smallholder farmers to continue adopting climate-smart techniques and managing ​thriving agricultural enterprises.

Our Network

We operate in North Eastern ​Uganda in the Districts of ​Kapelebyong, Amuria, Katakwi, ​Kaberamaido, Kalaki, Soroti, Serere, ​Kumi, Ngora and Bukedea Districts.

Regenerative Farming Farmer Holding Harvested Corn Crops

Our Years

in Numbers


Net Income


Partner farmers

and growers


Staff and workers recruited from local communities



Up by 18% from last year

Approximately $201K of expenses covered our ​farming programs.

We’ve partnered with and empowered



Organization Highlights

Technology & ​innovation

Investing in smart ir​rigation systems, pr​ecision agriculture tools, an​d renewable energy so​lutions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Program

Conducting farm training​ workshops for smallholder​ farmers on mindset change,​ Agribusiness, sustainable​ agriculture techniques and​ climate-smart practices.​



Liaise with NGOs, academic ​institutions, and private ​sector entities to leverage ​resources and expertise.

Collaborate with local ​governments to integrate climate ​adaptation into regional ​development agendas.

global ​collaborati​on

Participate in international ​forums and knowledge-​sharing platforms to ​contribute to global efforts ​on sustainable agriculture ​and climate resilience.

2024 Highlights

We’re a homegrown Organization Investing in Climate

Smart Agriculture, inputs, and practices for Green Agri-Food ​Systems in North Eastern Uganda

Ayolo Farmers and Training Consults Limited has made significant ​progress in promoting agroecological practices among local ​smallholder farmers in three Sub counties in Soroti, Serere, Ngora ​and Kaberamaido Districts through partnership with development ​partners like Compassion Partner projects.

In our work with smallholder farmers, we have improved soil health ​and water conservation measures implemented across target ​communities under the practices of permaculture and its principles ​especially in vegetable farming, Poultry and Piggery.

We have achieved a high level of awareness on climate-smart ​agriculture, agribusiness and Agriculture self-financing through VSLA ​groups.

Our key Projects

Diversity, Equity,

and Inclusion

Box of Fruits and Vegetables

Food Security

Strong Local ​Partnerships

Tree Planting

Our Environment, ​Social, and Governance ​(ESG) Initiatives

Increase adoption of organic farming techniques by 70% ​within fifteen years.

Implement climate-smart technologies in 80% of farming ​operations by 2040.

Develop and disseminate climate-resilient crop varieties ​suited to local conditions, develop and use only ​sustainable farming systems in the communities of ​smallholder farmers.

Establish community-based early warning systems for ​climate-related disasters.

Operating with minimal impact on the environment has always been our goal.

We work with local partners and communities to promote sustainable practices

Up next for 2025

Diversity, Equity, and ​Inclusion (DEI) Training

Farm training workshops for smallholder ​farmers on mindset change, Agribusiness, ​sustainable agriculture techniques and ​climate-smart practices.

Youth Organization ​Partnerships

Establish demonstration farms ​as learning hubs for best ​practices.

Technical Knowledge ​Training Updates

Smart irrigation systems & ​precision agriculture tools.

Make the move to ​farm organic foo​d.

Get in touch or follow us on social media.



PLOT 4151



(256) 752 - 670501


